Japan’s population, is currently at 127,417,240
(2005 est.). Despite the high level of social,
medical and industrial progress in the late
20th century and the associated population boom,
Japan has seen in recent years a slowing down
of population; for 2005 the estimate is 0.05%
as opposed to 0.18% in 2000. In fact due to
the high average life span (male 77.86; female
84.61) and low fertility, Japan’s elderly
population is growing while the younger population
is shrinking which will play havoc with the
countries social security system unless changes
are made.
In terms of agriculture, Japan
has only a very small number of people employed;
around 5%. In fact a significant quota of Japan’s
staple food, rice is imported from overseas.
Due to the very small area of habitable land,
around 80 million of Japan’s urban population
are concentrated on the Pacific shore of Honshu
and in northern Kyushu. Metropolitan Tokyo with
approximately 12 million; Yokohama with 3,555,473;
Osaka 2,624,129; Nagoya 2,190,549; Sapporo 1,854,837;
Kobe 1,513,967; Kyoto 1,466,163; Fukuoka 1,325,611;
Kawasaki 1,290,426; and Kitakyushu with 1,000,211
each account for part of this population (
Japan has one of the highest population
densities in the world ranking 1 above
India with 329.5 persons per square kilometre
of total land area; while this number reaches
1,523 persons per square kilomtre for land that
is actually habitable (
Foreign Nationals in Japan: More than
2.5 million registered foreign nationals.. 1
million of these foreigners are represented
by Koreans from both North and South Korea,
500,000 Filipinos, 500,000 Chinese, 250,000
Brazilian with others like Peruvian, Australian,
American, Canadian, British, Indonesian, Thai,
African and other nationals
Religion: The two main religions
in Japan are Buddhism and Shintoism. Other religions
include Christianity, Judaism, Confucianism
and Islam but are all practiced to a lesser
extent than the two mainstays of Japanese historical
and cultural development.
Language: The first language is of
course Japanese with a heavy emphasis on English
as the second language. This can be evidenced
in the governments strong push through the education
system to have students learn on a compulsory