Welcome to the beginning of our learning Japanese
page. It’s new but stay tuned for constant
improvements including: Japanese language
tutorials, everyday Japanese phrases, useful kanji,
fight-or-flight Japanese, and so much more.
This site aims to help you become a master of the
basic Japanese which will help you around Japan
or if you just want to supplement the Japanese program
you are currently studying. It’s FREE and
as we want to make this the most useful guide, all
comments and suggestions are welcome!! Contact us
at web@englishtreejapan.com
now, let’s start with the basics of Japanese
Below you will find the basic hiragana table. Hiragana
is a phonetic alphabet used in conjunction with
kanji (Chinese characters representing ideas) as
the basis for all Japanese words. Mastering hiragana
and the other phonetic alphabet, katakana, is essential
in the study and mastery of the Japanese language.
If you have a good handle on hiragana and katakana
not only will reading Japanese become an enjoyable
experience but your pronunciation will improve dramatically.

2 displays the hiragana representation
of voiced consonants using two small vertical lines
or a small circle. For example “ は ” (ha) becomes
“ ば ” (ba) and then “ ぱ ” (pa) using the symbols.
This doesn’t apply to every character so please
look at table 2 carefully.

3 displays the use of “ya”,
“yu” or “yo” in combination
with other characters. When reading or writing these
combinations be aware that the “ya”,
“yu” or “yo” is represented
about half the size of the preceding character.

for additional reading, English Tree recommends
the following publications: