Below you will find the basic Katakana table. Katakana
is a phonetic alphabet usually used to represent
what are commonly named ‘loan words’ from other
languages. While the majority of ‘Japanese’ words
are represented by the other phonetic alphabet,
hiragana (and of course by kanji - 漢字), common words
such as ‘stereo’ (ステレオ)and ‘clinic’ (クリニック) will
be represented in katakana.

2 displays the Katakana representation
of voiced consonants using two small vertical lines
or a small circle. For example “ ハ ” (ha) becomes
“ バ ” (ba) and then “ パ ” (pa) using the symbols.
This doesn’t apply to every character so please
look at table 2 carefully.

3 displays the use of “ya”,
“yu” or “yo” in combination
with other characters. When reading or writing these
combinations be aware that the “ya”,
“yu” or “yo” is represented
about half the size of the preceding character.
